Problem 1: Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.

Commentary: This problem is really simple, but why shouldn’t it be? It’s the first one. Don’t get antsy; these things get harder in a hurry. The problem is basically a way to get friendly with modular arithmetic in your language of choice. For us, that’s R, which makes things nice and easy on us. If I want to calculate n modulo m in R, I just use the syntax

n %% m

So we want all the natural numbers i from 1 to 1000 satisfying either


(or both). If you’re screwing this one up, it’s probably because you’re not paying attention to the careful wording of the problem (below 1000).

R Code:

answer <- 0
for (i in 1:999){
  if ((i%%3 == 0) || (i%%5 == 0)){
    answer <- answer+i
cat(sprintf("\nThe answer is:  %d\nTotal elapsed time:  %d minutes and %f seconds\n", answer, ElapsedMins, ElapsedSecs))

Output: The answer is: 233168 Total elapsed time: 0 minutes and 0.002000 seconds

Commentary: This is a reasonably good solution, but there is a better one discussed in the pdf available after you successfully solve the problem. I won’t go into the particulars of that solution, since that discussion is fully available from Project Euler, but below is a provided implementation of this idea in R:

SumDivBy <- function(i){